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SHFE Market Movement (2015-3-16)

iconMar 16, 2015 15:09
The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Mar.16 2015.


SHANGHAI,Mar.16 (SMM) - The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Mar.16 2015.
Contract Open High Low Close Settle Ch1 Ch2 Volume Position Change
Al1503 13200 13200 13020 13020 13100 -115 -35 4500 19750 -2060
Al1504 13065 13125 13050 13075 13075 -35 -35 8122 66124 -588
Al1505 13095 13150 13065 13100 13105 -30 -25 35454 109868 -328
Al1506 13145 13180 13090 13120 13125 -40 -35 21196 82132 4158
Cu1503 42500 42700 41500 42700 42460 60 -180 4690 16160 -2500
Cu1504 42680 42800 42420 42780 42630 40 -110 40366 121764 -3704
Cu1505 42700 42850 42440 42810 42620 120 -70 299488 300712 -1746
Cu1506 42750 42880 42430 42850 42640 140 -70 157974 175122 7646
Zn1503 15790 15800 15745 15760 15755 100 95 550 3460 -320
Zn1504 15695 15850 15650 15850 15765 155 70 5874 38102 -1162
Zn1505 15695 15840 15650 15815 15755 120 60 124646 164278 -5274
Zn1506 15705 15830 15635 15815 15745 120 50 61624 100928 8590
Pb1503 12200 12200 12200 12200 12200 -200 -200 10 780 0
Pb1504 12305 12330 12200 12300 12270 -70 -100 670 6272 -322
1. Unit for offers: RMB/mt
2. Unit for trade: 5 mt/lot
3. Unit for trading volumes, positions, and changes in positions is lot.
4. Ch1 = Close - Previous Settle; ch2 = Settle - Previous Settle
SHFE Market
SHFE Market Movement

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