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SHFE Market Movement (2015-3-4)

iconMar 4, 2015 15:08
The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Mar.4 2015.


SHANGHAI,Mar.4 (SMM) - The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Mar.4 2015.
Contract Open High Low Close Settle Ch1 Ch2 Volume Position Change
Al1503 12920 12950 12865 12900 12905 -50 -45 9560 38300 -5290
Al1504 12950 12965 12885 12890 12925 -100 -65 14300 88492 -1226
Al1505 13000 13020 12925 12970 12960 -70 -80 43946 124584 362
Al1506 13050 13065 12980 13020 13020 -65 -65 12756 59552 5174
Cu1503 42550 42680 42380 42610 42610 -170 -170 13390 44750 -2990
Cu1504 42650 42700 42300 42610 42580 -290 -320 81116 149794 -3080
Cu1505 42480 42560 42120 42460 42400 -340 -400 279060 328168 3212
Cu1506 42400 42440 42000 42360 42300 -310 -370 83770 134196 5926
Zn1503 16050 16050 15910 15915 15965 -170 -120 6050 9530 -3310
Zn1504 15955 16005 15890 15910 15935 -145 -120 18624 56584 -2124
Zn1505 15920 15985 15860 15875 15915 -160 -120 115424 174168 12060
Zn1506 15900 15970 15835 15865 15900 -160 -125 20066 58450 6184
Pb1503 12185 12250 12170 12250 12195 80 25 650 1460 -510
Pb1504 12150 12255 12150 12240 12195 70 25 2720 11918 -1072
1. Unit for offers: RMB/mt
2. Unit for trade: 5 mt/lot
3. Unit for trading volumes, positions, and changes in positions is lot.
4. Ch1 = Close - Previous Settle; ch2 = Settle - Previous Settle
SHFE Market
SHFE Market Movement

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