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SHFE Market Movement (2015-6-11)

iconJun 11, 2015 15:10
The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Jun.11 2015.


SHANGHAI,Jun.11 (SMM) - The following table is base metals movement on the SHFE market on Jun.11 2015.
Contract Open High Low Close Settle Ch1 Ch2 Volume Position Change
Al1506 12800 12815 12715 12720 12770 -90 -40 3620 30660 -2830
Al1507 12880 12905 12765 12775 12825 -110 -60 12418 62738 -1742
Al1508 12950 12975 12830 12835 12895 -115 -55 42472 133236 -1708
Al1509 13020 13040 12890 12890 12960 -115 -45 28638 80042 5624
Cu1506 43760 43880 43400 43400 43720 -80 240 7660 14620 -3840
Cu1507 43730 43840 43270 43330 43630 -100 200 37352 95204 -1294
Cu1508 43630 43760 43160 43230 43560 -140 190 200008 252002 -4576
Cu1509 43550 43690 43120 43150 43490 -150 190 57408 138306 884
Zn1506 16280 16305 16250 16250 16285 -105 -70 800 7370 -510
Zn1507 16425 16425 16235 16270 16310 -120 -80 5676 24564 -1278
Zn1508 16430 16460 16255 16285 16335 -140 -90 94234 123490 2172
Zn1509 16465 16500 16280 16310 16365 -145 -90 35142 70646 1916
Pb1506 13400 13410 13395 13410 13400 -5 -15 260 2630 -180
Pb1507 13435 13435 13260 13260 13320 -55 5 790 6418 -218
Ni1507 101820 102250 101320 101450 101770 70 390 20214 49176 -1712
Ni1508 101850 101850 101030 101260 101500 170 410 196 3980 -54
Sn1507 115490 115670 115300 115420 115460 220 260 1014 4910 -180
Sn1508 116020 116250 115840 116220 116180 250 210 128 472 -10
1. Unit for offers: RMB/mt
2. Unit for trade: 5 mt/lot
3. Unit for trading volumes, positions, and changes in positions is lot.
4. Ch1 = Close - Previous Settle; ch2 = Settle - Previous Settle
SHFE Market
SHFE Market Movement

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