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SHFE Zinc to Fall Further (2017-6-6)

iconJun 6, 2017 09:38
Sentix Investor Confidence Index for eurozone in June and eurozone April retail sales due for release today are not promising, and will weigh on zinc.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 6 (SMM) – Sentix Investor Confidence Index for eurozone in June and eurozone April retail sales due for release today are not promising, and will weigh on zinc. LME zinc is expected to move between USD 2,460-2,570/mt today. SHFE 1707 zinc will fluctuate between RMB 21,100-21,550/mt, with spot prices RMB 20-0/mt below SHFE 1706 zinc and RMB 600-650/mt above SHFE 1707 zinc.

LME Zinc prices
SHFE zinc prices
zinc prices

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