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LME Zinc to Receive a Boost (2017-5-2)

iconMay 2, 2017 09:37
The Reserve Bank of Australia’s interest rate decision, eurozone manufacturing PMI and eurozone March unemployment rate due for release today are promising, and will boost LME zinc.

SHANGHAI, May 2 (SMM) – The Reserve Bank of Australia’s interest rate decision, eurozone manufacturing PMI and eurozone March unemployment rate due for release today are promising, and will boost LME zinc. LME zinc will move between USD 2,625-2,660/mt today. Zinc downstream demand is still soft. SHFE 1706 zinc should fluctuate between RMB 21,650-22,000/mt, with spot prices RMB 290-350/mt above SHFE 1706 zinc. 

LME Zinc prices
SHFE zinc prices
zinc prices

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