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Zinc Price to Consolidate at Highs This Week, SMM Predicts

iconMar 27, 2017 09:51
Zinc prices are expected to move at highs this week, SMM foresees.

SHANGHAI, Mar. 27 (SMM) – Zinc prices are expected to move at highs this week, SMM foresees.

LME zinc will rally to $2,780-2,900 per tonne next week, SMM predicts. SHFE May zinc will fluctuate in a range of 22,900-23,900 yuan per tonne.

Fundamentals are still positive as a whole with spot trading inventories falling, SMM said. This is due mainly to recovery in downstream demand. 

For news cooperation, please contact us by email: sallyzhang@smm.cn or service.en@smm.cn. 

LME Zinc prices
SHFE zinc prices
zinc prices

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