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China Ports to See Higher Arrivals of Iron Ore for 4th Consecutive Period, SMM Reports

iconJul 18, 2017 11:19
Arrivals of iron ore at major 24 Chinese ports are expected to keep growing during the period from Jul. 13 to 27, according to SMM data.  

SHANGHAI, Jul. 18 (SMM) – Arrivals of iron ore at major 24 Chinese ports are expected to keep growing during the period from Jul. 13 to 27, according to SMM data.  

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The expected arrivals during the period will reach about 13.08 million tonnes at those ports, up 405,000 tonnes from 12.68 million tonnes from Jul. 6-20.  

During the period, ore shipments both from Australia and Brazil are also expected to grow from the previous report period. 

For more details, please see SMM Iron Ore Weekly. 

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For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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