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China Iron Ore Port Inventories Grow after Continuous Declines, SMM Reports

iconJul 14, 2017 13:39
China’s iron ore inventories grew this past week, bringing the second-straight-week decline to an end. 

SHANGHAI, Jul. 14 (SMM) – China’s iron ore inventories grew this past week, bringing the second-straight-week decline to an end. 

China Iron Ore Port Inventories Fall for 2nd Straight Week, SMM Reports

According to SMM data, iron ore inventories at the 35 domestic ports were 134.03 million tonnes, up 1.32 million tonnes on a weekly basis. 

Daily outward shipments of iron ore from ports, however, were down 59,000 tonnes week-on-week to 2.55 million tonnes, SMM data showed. 

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