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Jiangsu Secondary Lead Smelters Stay Idled despite Fat Profits

iconMar 2, 2016 15:56
In spite of lucrative profits, Jiangsu-based secondary lead producers remain idled due to environmental protection crackdowns, SMM report.

SHANGHAI, Mar. 2 (SMM) – In spite of lucrative profits, Jiangsu-based secondary lead producers remain idled due to environmental protection crackdowns, SMM report.

Secondary lead prices gained by 150-200 yuan per tonne in 3 days and increased from early this week’s 11,900 yuan per tonne to 12,050-12,100 yuan per tonne, especially in Jiangsu and Shandong.

Producers reported difficulties in resuming operation in Jiangsu’s Yangzhou and Suqian where most secondary lead smelters are located. This is because they are discouraged by stricter environmental protection inspections and most of them take a wait-and-see stand recently.

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secondary lead prices
secondary lead producers
environmental protection inspection

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