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Environmental Protection Inspections to Affect Jiangsu Steel Production, SMM Says

iconJul 26, 2016 14:23
News report that environmental protection inspections are being undertaken in Jiangsu Province.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 26 (SMM) – News report that environmental protection inspections are being undertaken in Jiangsu Province. 

The target of the inspections is to eliminate inefficient capacity of crude steel and coal by 17.50 million tonnes (3.90 million tonnes in 2016), and 8.36 million tonnes (8.18 million tonnes in 2016), respectively, in the region.

Collections of Stories of Environmental Protections and Flooding in China Metals Market, SMM Reports   

The inspections, mainly in the northern part of Jiangsu Province, have resulted in production halts at some mills in the region, largely with electric furnaces, SMM survey finds.  

It is rumored that all mills with electric furnace will be required to halt production, and if it is true, steel output in Jiangsu will be significantly affected. 

SMM will follow up for further developments.  

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crude steel output
steel output
China environmental drive
environmental protection inspection

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