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Energy storage market orders are booming, and battery cell prices have slightly declined.

iconNov 1, 2024 17:39
This week, energy storage battery cell prices experienced a slight decline. Cost side, due to the price adjustment of lithium carbonate, the theoretical cost of energy storage battery cells slightly decreased compared to the previous period. As of last Friday, the theoretical cost of a 280Ah energy storage battery cell was......

This week, energy storage battery cell prices experienced a slight decline. Cost side, due to the price adjustment of lithium carbonate, the theoretical cost of energy storage battery cells slightly decreased compared to the previous period. As of last Friday, the theoretical cost of a 280Ah energy storage battery cell was 0.308 yuan/Wh. Over the past month, due to the price drop of cathode materials, copper foil, and other battery auxiliary materials such as NMP, the cost of energy storage battery cells fell by about 1%. Although the demand for energy storage remained strong, some companies still reduced prices to boost sales, leading to a slight decline in the prices of 280Ah and 314Ah battery cells. The recovery in the small battery cell market was not as evident as in the large battery cell market, but it also reached a stage where 50Ah and 100Ah battery cells were renegotiated. Under the previous cost decline trend, prices also showed a slight decrease. Looking ahead, SMM believes that with the year-end destocking trend, there is still a risk of further decline in energy storage battery cell prices.

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