SHANGHAI, Dec 10 (SMM) - According to SMM survey, the domestic stainless steel output totalled 2.3 million mt in November, up 14% month-on-month, but down 10.2% year-on-year. The output totalled 29.72 million mt from January to November, an increase of 10.23% year-on-year.
The output of stainless steel increased on the month in November as power rationing loosened in some regions and production returned to normal level. The output of 200-series stainless steel rose 164,000 mt on the month as mills in Fujian and Guangxi resumed production. The output of 300-series stainless steel rose 140,000 mt or 11.3% on the month as a mill in Guangdong resumed production in mid-November and mainly produced 300-series products. The output of 400-series stainless steel remained stable in November.
Some mills start maintenance plan in December, cutting 97,000 mt of stainless steel. A mill and a special mill in Jiangsu will be overhauled, cutting 57,000 mt of 300-series products and 20,000 mt of 200 and 400-series products each. However, a steel mill in Guangdong gradually resumed production and mainly produced 300-series stainless steel. Therefore, the 300-series products output is likely to increase 23,000 mt on the month in December. The total output in December is expected to drop by 37,000 mt from November to stand at about 2.59 million mt.
Most of mills will implement maintenance from January 2022 and some mills cut their output amid unsatisfying performance. The output in January is expected to fall 290,000 mt to 2.36 million mt, with 200, 300 and 400-series products cut 100,000 mt, 135,000 mt and 55,000 mt. The current reductions are all planned output, and the specific output is still based on actual production conditions.
For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn
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