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China Tin Output Falls Sharply in July, but to Increase in August, SMM Says

iconAug 9, 2017 10:43
China’s refined tin output was 14,154 tonnes in July, down 8.4% on the month, according to SMM data.

SHANGHAHI, Aug. 9 (SMM) - China’s refined tin output was 14,154 tonnes in July, down 8.4% on the month, according to SMM data.

Some smelters in Yunnan slashed output due to environmental protection issue and raw material shortages, SMM learned. Besides, major tin producers in Jiangxi suspended production for removal. Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co. undertook maintenance. A few tin smelters in other regions were affected by maintenance and the weather reason.

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Domestic refined tin output will increase 2.4% on the month to 14,500 tonnes in August, SMM predicts.

China Base Metal Output Data in July 2017, SMM Exclusive Data

Supplies from tin plants in Jiangxi, whose production was affected due to removal, will recover in August. Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co. plans to restart tin production in mid-August, but will not yield output in two weeks due to debugging. High raw material prices will constrain tin smelters’ enthusiasm to produce in Yunnan Province. Consequently, tin output will only rise slightly.

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