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Yunnan Silicon Plants to Raise Offers Further Next Week, SMM Learns

iconJul 21, 2017 13:57
Transaction of high-priced high-grade silicon improved in recent days in Yunnan’s market, and silicon plants will raise offers further due to decent orders.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 21 (SMM) – Transaction of high-priced high-grade silicon improved in recent days in Yunnan’s market with traded price of #3303 at some plants at 12,800-12,900 yuan per tonne. Silicon plants in Yunnan will increase offers further in the coming week, SMM learns.

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Some silicon grades prices kept rising on July 21, with traded price of #553 at 10,800 yuan per tonne. Silicon plants in face of decent orders have raised August’s orders to 11,000 yuan per tonne for now. Those plants expect silicon prices to rise further, and some silicon plants in south China even have stopped receiving orders and will not give offers until early August when market condition becomes clearer.

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