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Hebei Secondary Lead Smelters Forced to Idle on Smog

iconDec 14, 2015 14:06
Secondary lead producers in Hebei are required to cut or halt production to reduce emission almost for one month due to local heavy fog haze weather.

SHANGHAI, Dec. 14 (SMM) – Secondary lead producers in Hebei are required to cut or halt production to reduce emission almost for one month due to local heavy smog.

There are about 10 disqualified secondary lead smelters there and at present some of them already shut down. Only 2-3 of them are under operation secretly. As a result, secondary lead supply tightens in market.

Supply tightness supported secondary lead prices up to 11,600-11,700 yuan per tonne in Hebei on December 14. Purchase prices were at 7,250-7,300 yuan per tonne for scrap motive batteries and 6,700-6,750 yuan per tonne for scrap automobile batteries (white shell).

With environmental protection inspection intensifying, more irregular smelters will be closed. Thus, tightness in supply will later support lead and secondary lead prices. 

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