[Market Pessimism Prevails, Silicon Prices Continue to Decline, Silicon Enterprises Face Challenges]:
Silicon Metal: This week, spot silicon metal prices continued to decline, while futures prices kept falling, with market pessimism prevailing. The weekly decline in silicon metal widened compared to last week. As of March 13, SMM east China above-standard #553 silicon was at 10,400-10,600 yuan/mt (down 150 yuan/mt WoW), #441 silicon at 10,800-11,000 yuan/mt (down 150 yuan/mt WoW), and #3303 silicon at 11,700-11,900 yuan/mt (down 100 yuan/mt WoW). In the futures market, the main SI2505 contract fluctuated downward, breaking below 10,000 yuan/mt, with the weekly low reaching 9,780 yuan/mt and closing at 9,945 yuan/mt on Thursday, down 230 yuan/mt WoW.
Polysilicon: This week, the mainstream transaction prices for N-type recharging polysilicon were 39-45 yuan/kg, and for N-type dense polysilicon were 38-42 yuan/kg. Some small factories offered N-type recharging polysilicon below 40 yuan/kg, while earlier large orders were transacted above 40 yuan/kg. Polysilicon prices remained stable for now, with lackluster transactions this week. The market has not yet entered the concentrated order signing period, and both upstream and downstream players are adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Transactions are expected to gradually pick up next week. The Q2 quota issuance slightly exceeded expectations, which may boost the polysilicon market in the future.