NewsFlash / Cobalt & Lithium / Ten Ministries Unveil Measures to Boost Railway Transportation of Power Lithium Batteries, Including Trials and International Intermodal Transport Research
Ten Ministries Unveil Measures to Boost Railway Transportation of Power Lithium Batteries, Including Trials and International Intermodal Transport Research
iconSep 19, 2024 19:42
【Ten Departments: Conduct Trial Railway Transportation of Power Lithium Batteries in Qualified Terminals and Research Promotion of International Railway Intermodal Transport of Power Lithium Batteries】The Ministry of Transport, the National Railway Administration, and eight other departments have issued the "Several Measures on Accelerating the Improvement of Transportation Services and Safety Assurance Capabilities for New Energy Vehicle Power Lithium Batteries," aiming to expedite the railway transportation of power lithium batteries. The measures outline the research and formulation of railway safety transportation conditions for power lithium batteries used in new energy vehicles, clarifying the scope of goods, inspection requirements, packaging requirements, technical conditions for containers, technical conditions for terminals, transportation organization requirements, operation and management requirements, etc. Trial railway transportation of power lithium batteries will be conducted in qualified terminals. Additionally, research will be conducted to promote international railway intermodal transport of power lithium batteries.

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