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Medium-Heavy Rare Earth Oxides Output Slightly Decreased in May

iconJun 17, 2024 15:23
In May, the domestic output of dysprosium oxide stood at 215.5 mt, down 0.8% MoM, with the reduction mainly concentrated in Jiangxi.

In May, the domestic output of dysprosium oxide stood at 215.5 mt, down 0.8% MoM, with the reduction mainly concentrated in Jiangxi. The domestic output of terbium oxide was 40.8 mt, holding stable MoM. The domestic output of gadolinium oxide was 303.8 mt, down 1% MoM, with the reduction also mainly concentrated in Jiangxi. The domestic output of holmium oxide was 43 mt, with no obvious changes compared to April.

SMM learned that producers in Longnan, Jiangxi have completely shut down since May, and it is expected to continue until July, which resulted in a MoM decrease in local rare earth oxide output. Specifically, the output of dysprosium oxide in Jiangxi decreased by 3.1% MoM, and that of gadolinium oxide decreased by 3% MoM. Additionally, some separation plants reported to SMM that landslides in Myanmar caused by weather may negatively impact China's imports of ion-absorbed type rare earth ore in the future. Given the current weak domestic demand, the output of medium-heavy rare earth oxides is expected to decline further.

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