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Weekly anode materials price review

iconMay 24, 2024 11:27
Anode materials are running weakly this week.

Anode materials are running weakly this week. In terms of cost, the price of low-sulfur petroleum coke has fluctuated. PetroChina Northeast Refinery has lowered its price, and some refineries of CNOOC have slightly raised their quotations. Overall, there has been a downward trend; the negotiation for oil-based needle coke and raw coke has begun in June, and the price Still continuing the previous upward trend, there has been an increase, but the increase is less than before; in terms of demand, the current order situation of anode companies is quite different. The orders of leading companies are larger, and most of them have further growth, while those in the middle and back rows are quite different. There has been a decrease in the number of enterprises’ top stocks, and the overall situation is polarized. Entering the middle of the year, some newly built production capacity has been released. The overcapacity problem in the industry is still serious, which has put great pressure on the price of anode materials. At the same time, some downstream companies will start a new round of bidding, which may also put further pressure on anode prices. It is expected that the follow-up The price of negative electrode materials has declined.

Market review

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