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Prices of Mixed Polysilicon Slightly Drop, Silicon Wafer Production May Continue to Decline

iconMay 22, 2024 17:29
Prices: Silica prices remained stable overall. With silicon companies in the south-west China gradually resuming production, the demand for silica has increased. However, the overall supply of silica remains ample. Currently, the ex-factory prices of low-grade silica in Yunnan are 350-370 yuan/mt.


Prices: Silica prices remained stable overall. With silicon companies in the south-west China gradually resuming production, the demand for silica has increased. However, the overall supply of silica remains ample. Currently, the ex-factory prices of low-grade silica in Yunnan are 350-370 yuan/mt. The ex-factory prices of high-grade silica in Inner Mongolia are 400-420 yuan/mt. The ex-factory prices of high-grade silica in Hubei are 420-480 yuan/mt. The ex-factory prices of high-grade silica in Guizhou are 300-340 yuan/mt.

Output: The overall domestic silica output has increased.

Inventory: Silicon companies in the south-west China have basically completed their preparations for resumption, and raw material inventory replenishment has ended. Some silicon companies in the north-west China that had previously reduced production have not yet planned to replenish inventory or resume production.

Silicon Metal

Prices: SMM above-standard #553 silicon metal in east China is priced at 13,000-13,200 yuan/mt. Yesterday, leading companies in Xinjiang officially lowered their prices by 300 yuan/mt, while other silicon companies maintained stable prices. The silicon metal futures market saw a strong rise driven by macroeconomic sentiment, with a divergence between spot and futures prices. Market transactions are sluggish.

Output: As the wet season in Sichuan approaches, some silicon plants began resuming production in April. The operating rate in Yunnan remained stable, and companies in the north maintained high operating rates. It is expected that output of silicon metal in May will increase to over 370,000 mt.

Inventory: Social inventory: SMM statistics show that as of May 17, the national social inventory of silicon metal was 379,000 mt, an increase of 9,000 mt from a week earlier. Among them, the social general warehouse inventory was 106,000 mt, a decrease of 1,000 mt, and the social delivery warehouse inventory was 273,000 mt (including unregistered warehouse receipts), an increase of 10,000 mt



DMC: Current prices are 13,450-13,900 yuan/mt, stable this week.

D4: Current prices are 14,300-14,500 yuan/mt, stable this week.

107 silicone rubber: Current prices are 13,700-14,300 yuan/mt, stable this week.

MVQ: Current prices are 14,100-14,700 yuan/mt, stable this week.

Silicone Oil: Current prices are 14,500-15,300 yuan/mt, stable this week.

Output: This week, supply continued to increase. New production capacity in Jiangxi has produced qualified products, and previously shut down and overhauled units have resumed operation, leading to a significant increase in domestic operating rates.

Inventory: This week, inventory increased compared to the same period last week. As downstream companies completed their necessary inventory replenishment, market transactions began to weaken, and inventory levels started to rise.



Yesterday, the mainstream prices of N-type polysilicon were 41-44 yuan/kg, and the mainstream prices of dense polysilicon were 35-38 yuan/kg. The prices of N-type polysilicon remained largely stable with minor fluctuations. Large manufacturers intended to raise prices, but the actual prices of mixed polysilicon slightly dropped.


More manufacturers will continue to conduct maintenance in June.


Currently, downstream companies are adopting a strategy of multiple small purchases. The supply-demand balance calculation for May still indicates an accumulation of inventory.

Silicon Wafer


The market prices of N-type 182 silicon wafers have dropped to 1.1-1.2 yuan/piece, and the prices of N-type 210 silicon wafers have dropped to 1.9-2 yuan/piece. Silicon wafer prices have significantly declined again, but with the continued substantial losses, prices are gradually approaching the bottom, and the rate of decline is beginning to slow.


The expected output of silicon wafers in May is around 60 GW. Due to cash cost losses, the production schedule for June may continue to decline.


Currently, downstream purchasing enthusiasm is limited, and there is no significant reduction in inventory.

High-purity Quartz Sand


This week, the prices of high-purity quartz sand remained stable. The domestic prices for inner layer sand are 170,000-210,000 yuan/mt, middle layer sand prices are 100,000-130,000 yuan/mt, and outer layer sand prices are 24,000-50,000 yuan/mt. Domestic transactions are generally stable.


Recently, the supply of high-purity quartz sand both domestically and internationally has been relatively stable. Although new production capacity has been introduced domestically, most of it is for middle and outer layer sand, and the facilities have not yet reached full production. It is expected that supply will continue to increase in the future.


In terms of inventory, the quartz sand market transactions were moderate this week, and the inventory levels of sand companies remained stable.

Market review

For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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