Home / Metal News / CCTD: Thermal Coal Prices Break through the 1,000 Yuan/Mt Mark Again

CCTD: Thermal Coal Prices Break through the 1,000 Yuan/Mt Mark Again

iconApr 27, 2023 13:59
According to CCTD monitoring, the current price of 5,500 kcal thermal coal in Beigang is around 995 yuan/mt, a decrease of 100 yuan/mt from the beginning of the month.

According to CCTD monitoring, the current price of 5,500 kcal thermal coal in Beigang is around 995 yuan/mt, a decrease of 100 yuan/mt from the beginning of the month.

According to CCTD monitoring, the pithead inventory of coal mines has continued to rise since April. At present, the inventory of key coal enterprises in China has reached more than 64 million mt, which is 11 million mt higher than the same period last year.

In the short term, coal supply is still significantly better than demand, and the overhaul of the Datong–Qinhuangdao railway line is coming to an end.

Market review

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