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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology helps Shanghai car companies to resume work and production. These enterprises have shown signs of starting work. [SMM topic]

iconApr 18, 2022 17:39

SMM April 18: recently, affected by the epidemic in Shanghai and other places, the reduction and suspension of production in the automobile industry has attracted more and more attention from people in the industry. He Xiaopeng, founder of Xiaopeng Automobile, even claimed that if the supply chain enterprises in and around Shanghai could not find a way to return to work dynamically and return to production, all the whole car factories in China may have to stop production in May. Yu Chengdong, Huawei's consumer business CEO and smart car BU CEO Yu Chengdong, also coincided with he Xiaopeng's idea. Yu Chengdong, who once wrote on Wechat moments, "if Shanghai cannot resume work and production, after May, all science and technology and industrial industries involving the Shanghai supply chain will stop production completely, especially in the automobile industry, which will cause great economic losses and costs."

In order to ensure the smooth flow of the automobile industry chain supply chain, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently dispatched the Shanghai Front working Group to work with relevant departments in Shanghai to promote the stable production and resumption of production of local key industrial enterprises, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the industrial chain supply chain.

It is worth mentioning that as early as April 5, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology studied the establishment of an emergency coordination mechanism for the demand of the industrial chain supply chain, and set up a "whitelist" of key enterprises in the industrial and information fields to ensure the operation of key enterprises. focus on resources to ensure the resumption of work and production of 666 key enterprises in key industries, including automobile manufacturing (11% of the country's output).

Recently, the Shanghai Economic and Informatization Commission also issued the guidelines on the Prevention and Control of the epidemic situation of resuming work and production in Shanghai Industrial Enterprises (first Edition), and published the "whitelist" of the first batch of key enterprises. Among them, the complete vehicle enterprises headquartered in Shanghai, SAIC passenger cars, SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC GM and Tesla (Shanghai) are impressively listed.

It is reported that in this first batch of 666 enterprises, more than 250 companies are related to cars. Of these, only 41 maintain production, and more than 80% are in a state of suspension, and many head parts companies, such as Zaifu, Ambofo, Foggia, Valeo and other head parts companies, can not escape the fate of stopping production in Shanghai.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China produced 26.528 million cars in 2021, of which Shanghai accounted for 10%. More than half of the Chinese headquarters and some engineering factories of the world's parts giants are located in Shanghai, and the shutdown of the Shanghai automobile industry can be said to affect the whole body. Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the bus Association, even said that Shanghai is the core of the global automobile industry, and there are a large number of key parts suppliers in the Shanghai region. "if the epidemic is not contained as soon as possible, mainframe factories across the country will face suspension of production."

In terms of automobile companies, the shutdown of Tesla's Shanghai factory and SAIC-Volkswagen have had a great impact on the automobile industry. According to SMM data, the current weekly production capacity of Tesla's Shanghai plant is about 17000 new energy vehicles, and its daily capacity is about 2500. Since March 28th, Tesla has stopped production for 17 days, which is expected to cause the production loss of about 42500 new energy vehicles.

With the release of the guidelines for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of resuming work in Shanghai (first edition), Tesla, as a "necessary enterprise", according to media reports, Tesla has informed employees to open a closed-loop production resumption on April 18. so far, the news does not seem to have received a specific response. But earlier, Tao Lin, Tesla's vice president of foreign affairs, explicitly denied online rumors that Tesla (Shanghai) would resume production as early as mid-May.

Although Tesla has no definite news for the time being, SAIC has issued guidelines for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of resumption of work and production, and has launched the stress test of resumption of work and production today. According to previous news tracking, SAIC decided to adopt closed-loop production in mid-March to deal with the first wave of the epidemic. However, with the tighter control of the epidemic and the shortage of spare parts and raw materials, SAIC-Volkswagen, SAIC-GM and other companies have stopped production one after another, but some companies such as SAIC passenger cars are still in closed-loop production.

In addition, the person in charge of Zhiji Automobile of SAIC Group also said that Zhiji automobile employees insisted on closed-loop production at the Shanghai port factory during the epidemic, and worked hard to reduce the adverse impact of the epidemic on automobile production.

Although Weimar did not stop production because its production base is in Wenzhou, affected by the epidemic in Shanghai, the challenge from the supply chain still exists, so Weima has to face the problem of reducing production. Company sources said that at present, the Shanghai business is still in the home office stage, operations and sales are transferred to the online.

Thus it can be seen that the resumption of production by Shanghai auto companies and auto parts companies is very important to the entire auto industry, but according to the current situation, SMM believes that there is still some way to go before the industry production and sales return to normal. On the one hand, as the epidemic in Shanghai has not yet reached an inflection point, the number of employees who meet the working conditions (the building and I are negative for seven consecutive days) is far less than expected, so it is difficult to restore large-scale operating rate and ensure production progress. Second, although the "whitelist" enterprises on the list still have spare parts inventory to maintain and start work, in the industrial chain supply chain, in addition to the head enterprises, there are also a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises that support the operation of the entire industry. If logistics and transportation is not alleviated, it will still restrict closed production. "View details

However, even with the constraints of the epidemic and the shortage of chips, the production and sales of new energy vehicles still increased significantly in the first three months of 2022, with the production and sales of new energy vehicles both increasing 1.4 times compared with the same period last year. Huajin Securities commented that although some car companies stopped or reduced production in April due to the epidemic, which had an inevitable impact on the production and sales of new energy vehicles, we believe that automobile electrification is still the general trend, and the epidemic only delays its progress to a certain extent, and is still optimistic about the long-term development of the new energy vehicle industry chain.

Prior to this, Jilin, which was caught in the reduction and suspension of production due to the spread of the epidemic, has now resumed production one after another. FAW Group said that all of its five mainframe plants in Changchun have resumed work, with a total of 7438 people returning to work. At present, FAW Hongqi Ulsan Plant, FAW-Volkswagen and FAW Fengyue have been put off the production line. FAW Pentium and FAW Jiefang have completed production line commissioning and started production on the 17th. Of FAW's 276 spare parts suppliers, 25117 people have returned to work.

We look forward to the smooth progress of the resumption of work in Shanghai in the future, break through the "blocking points" of all links in the supply chain of the new energy industry, and contribute to the vigorous development of domestic new energy vehicles!

SMM will also continue to track the resumption of work and production of new energy vehicle companies in Shanghai and other epidemic areas. Welcome to stay tuned.


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