Home / Metal News / There are about 2000 fires in more than 800000 electric vehicle-related enterprises in China every year.

There are about 2000 fires in more than 800000 electric vehicle-related enterprises in China every year.

iconMar 18, 2022 16:45
[there are more than 800000 electric vehicle-related enterprises in China, about 2000 fires occur every year.] there are more than 800000 electric vehicle-related enterprises in China. In 2021, there were 118800 new enterprises related to electric vehicles in China, an increase of 13.87 percent over the same period last year. It is the year with the largest number of new electric vehicle-related enterprises in the past decade. In 2014, 70700 were added, an increase of 21.64% over the same period last year, the fastest growth in nearly a decade. There were 104300 new units in 2020, a decrease of 7.19 percent over the same period last year, and 118800 in 2021, an increase of 13.87 percent over the same period last year.

我国现存电动车相关企业超80万家 315点名批评多家生产商

According to the latest data released on March 18, there are more than 800000 electric vehicle-related enterprises in China. In 2021, there were 118800 new enterprises related to electric vehicles in China, an increase of 13.87 percent over the same period last year. It is the year with the largest number of new electric vehicle-related enterprises in the past decade. In 2014, 70700 were added, an increase of 21.64% over the same period last year, the fastest growth in nearly a decade. There were 104300 new units in 2020, a decrease of 7.19 percent over the same period last year, and 118800 in 2021, an increase of 13.87 percent over the same period last year.

我国现存电动车相关企业超80万家 315点名批评多家生产商

From the perspective of geographical distribution, Shandong Province has 100400 electric vehicle-related enterprises, ranking first. Jiangsu Province and Henan Province have 93500 and 73700 electric vehicle-related enterprises respectively, ranking in the top three. After that, it was followed by Guangdong, Hebei and other provinces.

我国现存电动车相关企业超80万家 315点名批评多家生产商

From the perspective of urban distribution, Shenzhen has 15900 enterprises related to electric vehicles, ranking first. Followed by Guangzhou, Xuzhou, there are more than 12900 electric vehicle-related enterprises, tied for second place. After that, Suzhou, Jinhua, Jining and other cities followed.

At this year's 315 party, a number of electric car brands, such as Mavericks and Hello electric cars, were named and criticized. These electric car manufacturers blatantly increase speed, and no matter how fast, the table can only show 25 km / h, even if the traffic police catch nothing. This violates the mandatory national standard "Safety Technical Specification for Electric Bicycle" and the requirements of laws and regulations on road traffic management, and brings hidden dangers to consumers and road pedestrians.

In response to this incident, Mavericks Electric publicly responded that Mavericks Electric strictly implements the new national standards for electric bicycles, strictly forbids any violations, and in order to ensure the safety of users, Mavericks Electric has immediately launched a special verification action on dealers across the country.

According to a statement issued by Harrow Electric car, the company immediately set up a special team to check and correct itself in response to the problems of changing the speed limit in the exposure. at present, it has rectified the stores involved and rectified the existing problems.

Xinri shares responded that the company does not provide "decoders" to dealers or consumers, and strictly complies with the requirements of the "Electric Bicycle Safety Technical Specification" (GB17761-2018) in the production process of electric bicycle products. Special verification will be carried out on the dealers' outlets across the country, and the dealers who have been found to have problems will be rectified within a time limit.

Lvyuan EV responded that the factory did not produce any decoding devices, nor did it provide dealers with similar decoding devices to lift the speed limit. According to the introduction of Luyuan electric car, after overnight investigation and verification, it was learned that the "decoder" mentioned by the shop assistant was purchased by the shop assistant from external door-to-door sales personnel. at present, there are a large number of shops selling all kinds of brand decoders on Taobao.

In order to ensure the safety of consumers and road pedestrians, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attaches great importance to the issue of speed increase in violation of regulations, and immediately instructs the competent departments of industry and information technology in the provinces and cities to carry out situation analysis, and urge problem enterprises to seriously rectify and reform, effectively standardize production and operation behavior. In the next step, we will take this opportunity to seriously implement the idea of people-centered development, further sort out the existing problems, be problem-oriented, strengthen and improve industry management, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the industry.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will further strengthen the management of the industry. All localities are required to strengthen the management of electric bicycle production enterprises and strictly implement the mandatory national standards for electric bicycles. The second is to cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen supervision. Cooperate with relevant departments to strictly investigate and deal with enterprises whose illegal sales do not comply with the new national standard, do not obtain "CCC" certification and illegally tamper with electric bicycles, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The third is to strengthen the self-discipline of the industry. We should give full play to the role of trade associations, further promote industry self-discipline, guide production enterprises to strengthen their awareness of legal compliance, conscientiously fulfill their social responsibilities, and jointly maintain a good market order.

In addition to the risk problems caused by illegal speed increase, electric bicycles are also faced with maintenance, modification, parking, use and other problems, as well as lithium battery charging, scrapping and recycling and other non-standard management, resulting in a large number of safety risks.

China Fire Services announced at the end of last year that the number of electric bicycles in China exceeded 300 million, the output is still growing rapidly, and the risk of fire has increased sharply. From January to October in 2021, there were more than 14000 fires caused by failures of electric bicycles and their batteries, killing 41 people and injuring 157people.

There are about 2000 electric vehicle fires across the country each year, 80 per cent of which are caused by charging, according to Chinese fire data. China Fire Services has repeatedly warned that electric vehicles must be charged safely first, and it is forbidden to enter the building or fly-line charging. This requirement is included in the Guide to the safe use of Electric bicycles.

In terms of parking, the Guide points out that electric bicycles should be parked in open or semi-open dedicated parking places and should not be parked indoors or at evacuation passageways and safety exits of buildings.

In terms of charging, the Guide also makes clear requirements. Lithium-ion batteries should be placed in an open or semi-open special charging place, and the maximum charging time should not be more than 8 hours.

As a daily means of transportation, electric bicycles have a considerable market, but there are also some chaos in the development. I believe that under the guidance of relevant government departments and policies, the industry will develop healthily.


For queries, please contact Michael Jiang at michaeljiang@smm.cn

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