Home / Metal News / Argentine government website: Ningde Times and YPF Energy hold talks on jointly developing Lithium Resources

Argentine government website: Ningde Times and YPF Energy hold talks on jointly developing Lithium Resources

iconNov 26, 2021 07:29

Although the acquisition of Canadian Millennium Lithium, which owns the Argentine lithium salt lake project, was eventually intercepted, the process of "finding lithium" in Argentina in the Ningde era continues, and the latest news shows that the battery leader is in talks with YPF, the Argentine state-controlled energy company.

Argentine Mining Minister Alberto Hanzel (Alberto Hensel) led a meeting between YPF and the Ningde era to promote the development of electric car battery leaders in cooperation with YPF's lithium company, according to news posted on the Argentine government's website on Thursday. Han Zel said at the beginning that Ningde era is the most important battery manufacturer in China, and the demand for lithium will reach five times Argentina's capacity in the next few years, which is why it is particularly important to promote cooperation between the two companies.

The meeting lasted an hour and a half, and the two companies and mining ministers agreed to continue the technical meeting so that the YPF lithium industry could demonstrate its development region and resource potential, the notice said.

Pablo Gonz á lez, president of YPF, said at the meeting that the company's YPF Lithium Industry and YPF luz (Power Company) are looking for business opportunities, and the joint development of lithium mines with the Ningde era is an excellent opportunity. The governors of Salta, Juhui and Katamaka, the core region of the South American Lithium Triangle, have all expressed their willingness to work with YPF Lithium, and the company is investigating resources and looking for investors to develop them together.

Ningde Times also said that the company has been supplying batteries to the world's most important car companies for 11 years, and is now more focused on resources such as lithium, which is why the company went to Argentina to inspect the salt marshes. The company needs the support of the Argentine government and there is no doubt that there will be opportunities to cooperate with companies like YPF to form strategic partners in lithium resources.


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