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Samsung SDI expands battery plant in Hungary

iconFeb 25, 2021 14:19

Samsung SDI has begun to expand its lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in Goth, Hungary.

Unofficial reports say Samsung SDI has ordered manufacturing equipment for its existing plant, as well as for a second plant. Its second plant, also located in Gothic, will begin construction in the first half of 2020 and start production in 2021.

Reported: "February 19, industry sources revealed that in order to cooperate with these actions, Samsung SDI has been in contact with South Korea's Philoptics company to discuss the purchase of stacking equipment." The order size is likely to be about 20 units, and the equipment is expected to enter the plant in 2021, with enough equipment to meet the company's No.1 and No.2 plants in Hungary. "

Samsung SDI is expected to invest 12 trillion won ($994 million) in Hungary by 2030 and gradually increase its capacity to 18 million cells a month, including about 6 million at plant 1 and 12 million at plant 2.

It is difficult to estimate its capacity because it depends on the average capacity of the cell, but what is certain is that it will be a super factory-level production facility.

In addition, it has been reported that in order to improve the energy density of the battery, Samsung SDI will start using NCA (lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide) type cathode material in Hungary. Previously, NCA was mainly supplied by Panasonic and Tesla. It is speculated that, NMC (Ni-mn-Co) materials will continue to coexist with NCA.

Using a new cathode material with a nickel content of more than 80 per cent, Samsung SDI will start producing Gen5 batteries, the next generation of Samsung SDI batteries. Mass production will begin in 2021. This is the first time that Samsung SDI has used NCA in square batteries. "

Samsung SDI says electric cars that use Gen5 batteries can have a range of more than 600km on a single charge. This means that the energy density of the Gen5 battery is at least 600Wh/L.


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