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Home / Metal News / China's tin imports, exports in Nov 2017

China's tin imports, exports in Nov 2017

iconDec 26, 2017 08:16
China's tin imports, exports in November 2017.

SHANGHAI, Dec 26 (SMM) -

(Unit: mt) Nov YoY (%) Jan – Nov  YoY (%)
Refined tin + tin alloy 186 -69.41 3,594 -57.19
Indonesia 113 -34.59 1,060 -48.13
Taiwan (China) 26 12.88 219 -22.17
Singapore 12 112.12 120 24.40
South Korea 11 -23.54 203 3.86
Thailand 10 -83.33 119 -73.79
Japan 9 -1.24 136 29.82
Mainland China 4 -66.52 256 124.06
France 1 - 2 -81.45
The US 0 -50.78 27 1,012.55
The Philippines 0 36.94 2 51.91
Malaysia - -100.00 166 -83.07
Bolivia - -100.00 1,245 -69.50
India - - 4 125.00
Vietnam - - 14 -
The UK - - 5 1.72
Germany - -100.00 16 3.20
Tin ore 30,481 -31.55 250,128 -41.59
Myanmar 30,274 -31.81 247,525 -41.99
Brazil 184 - 801 -
Nigeria 24 7.39 134 19.98
Bolivia 0 - 1 -99.46
Russia - - 641 50.65
Peru - - 77 -40.66
Indonesia - - 101 -57.34
Vietnam - - 41 -
Malaysia - -100.00 40 -55.87
Congo - - 8 -
Laos - - 759 141.88
Tin products 331 -21.71 5,312 16.55
Refined tin + tin alloy 87 4,245.64 2,171 197.26
Hong Kong 80 - 1,900 1,515.60
Russia 5 154.45 10 62.19
Congo 2 - 6 -
Ukraine - - 1 -
Holland - - 20 -94.65
The US - - 31 -52.04
Japan - - 160 302.77
Iran - - 15 -
South Korea - - 25 -
Saudi Arabia - - 3 -
Tin products 588 -13.23 5,229 15.28
(Source: Chinese customs)        
tin alloy

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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