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LME Copper to Fall Further (2017-10-20)

iconOct 20, 2017 09:44
LME copper will drop to USD 6,940-6,990/mt today on negative technical side, while SHFE 1712 copper will move at RMB 54,100-54,600/mt. 

SHANGHAI, Oct. 20 (SMM) –LME copper will drop to USD 6,940-6,990/mt today on negative technical side, while SHFE 1712 copper will move at RMB 54,100-54,600/mt. 

In domestic spot market, lower copper prices will attract downstream restocking. Weaker yuan will curtail inflows of imported copper. Spot premiums will be RMB 140-200/mt. 


SHFE copper prices
copper prices
base metal price forecast

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