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LME Aluminum to Move Wildly (2016-7-1)

iconJul 1, 2016 09:22
Manufacturing PMIs from major economies to be released today will leave LME aluminum moving in a wide range of USD 1,635-1,660/mt.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 1 (SMM) – Manufacturing PMIs from major economies to be released today will leave LME aluminum moving in a wide range of USD 1,635-1,660/mt. 

SHFE 1608 aluminum will challenge previous highs and move at RMB 12,600-12,800/mt. 

In China’s spot aluminum market, spot premiums of RMB 60-100/mt are expected over SHFE 1607 aluminum contract.

Key Macroeconomic Indicators for Base Metal Prices (2016-7-1)

SHFE aluminum prices
aluminum prices
Al price
base metal price forecast

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