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Why Zinc Inventory Falls Remarkably in China Major Three Markets? SMM Reports

iconSep 22, 2017 17:32
Total zinc inventory in Shanghai, Guangdong and Tianjin declined sharply below 60,000 tonnes this past week, and here is why.

SHANGHAI, Sept. 22 (SMM) – Total zinc inventory in Shanghai, Guangdong and Tianjin declined sharply below 60,000 tonnes this past week, and here is why.

What Cause Zinc Spot Premiums to Shrink Sharply in Tianjin? SMM Reports

First, both domestic and imported zinc supplies are limited this week. Second, downstream buyers purchased goods as zinc price fell in the latter half of the week.

Domestic Zinc Resources Witness Firm Premiums on Supply Tightness, SMM Reports

Zinc inventory in Shanghai will continue to fall next week due to stock-building before China’s National Day holiday, SMM said. 

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zinc inventory
Shanghai zinc inventories
Guangdong zinc inventories
Tianjin zinc inventories

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