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Zinc Inventories Add Further in China Major Markets, SMM Reports

iconJun 26, 2017 17:35
Combined zinc inventories in Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangdong increased 1,200 to 121,200 tonnes last week, SMM data show.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 26 (SMM) – Combined zinc inventories in Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangdong increased 1,200 to 121,200 tonnes last week, SMM data show.

Invenotires in both Shanghai and Guangdong grew, while those in Tianjin declined. The drop in inventories in Tianjin is due to fewer arriving shipments from Zijin Mining and dip-buyers. Arriving shipments of imported zinc increased inventories in Shanghai and Guangdong.

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Total inventories in the three regions are expected to grow further in the coming week due to arriving shipments of imported zinc, SMM predicts.

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zinc inventories
Shanghai zinc inventories
Guangdong zinc inventories
Tianjin zinc inventories

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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