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China Refined Lead Supply to Fall in 2017, SMM Foresees, Supporting Price in 2H 2017

iconSep 15, 2017 14:24
China’s primary lead output is estimated to fall in 2017, but secondary lead output is likely to grow, SMM lead analyst predicts at the 2017 SMM Secondary Lead-acid Battery Summit. 

SHANGHAI, Sept. 15 (SMM) – China’s primary lead output is estimated to fall in 2017, but secondary lead output is likely to grow, SMM lead analyst predicts at the 2017 SMM Secondary Lead-acid Battery Summit. 

In 2017, China’s total refined lead supply is expected to hold stable or drop slightly due to output expectations over primary and secondary lead. 

Why China Secondary Lead Output Grow Steadily? SMM Reports

Downstream demand, on the other hand, is likely to fall slightly over the year. 

Refined lead supply, especially primary lead, is expected to report supply shortages, and this will support lead price for the rest of the year, SMM lead analyst foresees. 

SMM expects spot lead price in China’s domestic market to trade between 18,000-20,000 yuan per tonne, and $2,250-2,500 per tonne. 

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