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China Tin Ore Output Falls on Resources and Environmental Factor, SMM Reports

iconSep 8, 2017 10:39
China’s tin ore output is low so far this year following resources integration and normalization of environmental protection inspections, SMM tin analyst said at the 2017 SMM Tin Industry Chain Summi

SHANGHAI, Sept. 8 (SMM) – China’s tin ore output is low so far this year following resources integration and normalization of environmental protection inspections, SMM tin analyst said at the 2017 SMM Tin Industry Chain Summit. 

In Hunan, all tin mines were required to halt production in the wake of accident at local coal mines.

In Yunnan, tin ore resources have not been tapped. In Inner Mongolia, tin ore resources are in the exploration phase.

In Guangxi, closures in major producing regions were frequently heard due to environmental factor.

In Jiangxi, resources are relatively low, and its mining was negatively affected by environmental protection inspections. 

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