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China Tin Output to Grow Further in 2017, SMM Predicts

iconSep 8, 2017 10:19
Domestic tin ingot output will grow further this year as some tin smelters increase their capacity, mainly in Jiangxi, SMM tin analyst said at the 7th SMM Tin Value Chain Summit.

SHANGHAI, Sept. 8 (SMM) - Domestic tin ingot output will grow further this year as some tin smelters increase their capacity, mainly in Jiangxi, SMM tin analyst said at the 7th SMM Tin Value Chain Summit.

Domestic tin ingot output was 103,000 tonnes during Jan-Jul, up 6.7% year-on-year.

LME Tin Price to Remain Range-Bound in H2 2017, SMM Says

Tin ingot output began to increase noticeably from H2 2016 because of higher tin prices.

SMM 7th Tin Industry Chain Summit Opens September 7

But raw material supply and environmental protection checks are major factors constraining tin output at present, SMM analyst added. 

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