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China Zinc Supply Not Hurt despite Big Fall in Zinc Imports, SMM Reports

iconJul 7, 2017 20:18
China’s influx of imported zinc fell rapidly after the import profit window closed, which precipitated a big fall in Shanghai’s zinc inventories in early July.

SHANGHAI, Jul. 7 (SMM) - China’s influx of imported zinc fell rapidly after the import profit window closed, which precipitated a big fall in Shanghai’s zinc inventories in early July.

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But increased arriving shipments of domestic resources have offset the drop in imports, SMM said. Zinc smelters sold more actively in July now that zinc prices stayed high, growing total inventories in Shanghai, Guangdong and Tianjin.  

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Import profit shrank from 500 yuan per tonne on June 23 and inverted to losses of around 300 yuan per tonne.

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zinc imports
zinc prices
zinc inventories
LME zinc
SHFE zinc

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