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Guangdong Zinc Inventories Fall to Record Low, Pressure Mounts before Delivery, SMM Reports

iconJun 9, 2017 13:34
Zinc ingot inventories in Guangdong fell 6,200 tonnes to a record low of 26,000 this past week, SMM learns.

SHANGHAI, Jun. 9 (SMM) - Zinc ingot inventories in Guangdong fell 6,200 tonnes to a record low of 26,000 this past week, SMM learns.

As of the end of mid-day trading on June 9, positions on June zinc on the SHFE were 25,230. With limited supplies from zinc smelters, goods available for delivery, which is due after 4 trading days, are still insufficient.

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zinc inventories
Guangdong zinc inventories

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