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China New Energy Vehicle Sales Fall Short of Forecast on Policy Change

iconMay 25, 2017 13:20
China’s new energy vehicle production expanded 1.4% YoY to 95,800 sets while sales declined 0.2% YoY to 90,400 sets.

SHANGHAI, May 25 (SMM) – In the first four months of 2017, China’s new energy vehicle production expanded 1.4% YoY to 95,800 sets while sales declined 0.2% YoY to 90,400 sets. The growth dropped after continuous rapid development, reported by National Business Daily.

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Falling subsidy, re-audit on New Energy Vehicles Recommended Catalogue and stricter inspections are attributed as the main factors to the sales decline.

However, new energy vehicle sales are expected to boost in the second half of year.

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