By Paul Ploumis (ScrapMonster Author)
September 15, 2016 09:18:09 AM
SPOKANE (Scrap Monster): The preliminary investigation by the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has revealed that imported stainless steel products from China were being sold in the US at below fair value. Consequently, DOC has ordered US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect antidumping duties from all US importers of stainless steel sheet and strip from China. Accordingly, the DOC has set preliminary antidumping duties ranging from 63.86% to 76.64%. The decision is expected to come as a big relief for domestic stainless steel makers who have been struggling hard to compete with imported cheap products from China.
The US DOC has assigned a preliminary antidumping margin of 76.64% to Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. It has also assigned a preliminary antidumping margin of 63.86% to two Chinese stainless steel producers that are not directly controlled by the State authorities. The imports of stainless steel sheet and strip from all other Chinese entities are assigned a duty margin of 76.64%, said US DOC press release.
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) and the US DOC had carried out antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of stainless steel sheet and strip from China based on complaints filed by domestic stainless steel sheet and strip producers AK Steel Corp., Allegheny Ludlum, North American Stainless and Outokumpu USA, LLC.
The investigation covered stainless steel sheet and strip, whether in coils or straight lengths. The proposal to levy antidumping duties follows the 9, September deadline set for DOC preliminary AD determination. The DOC will have to decide on final AD/CVD determinations on or before 23, Jan 2017. The deadline for DOC final injury determination is March 9, 2017.
In a related move, the US ITC has announced final determinations on anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations on imports of certain hot-rolled steel flat products by seven countries-Australia, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, the Netherlands and the UK into the US domestic market. The Agency determined that imports of these products have caused material injury to the American steel industry. The investigations were based on petitions filed by leading US steelmakers including Nucor, US Steel, AK Steel, Steel Dynamics and ArcelorMittal USA. The domestic steel producers had alleged that dumping of significantly subsidized products from these countries is causing significant injury to the US local steel industry. Incidentally, the combined imports from the seven countries were valued at nearly $1.9 billion during the entire year 2015.
Further to affirmative findings by the US ITC, DOC will now issue CV duty orders on imports of hot-rolled steel products from Brazil and South Korea. The imports from Australia, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Turkey and the U.K will be slapped with antidumping duty.
The highest antidumping duty rate of 34.28% has been slapped on Brazil’s Usiminas. All other Brazilian producers have been charged with 33.14% duty. UK stainless steel producers will face a final duty of 33.06%. Dumping duties ranging from 3.89%-9.49% have been imposed on South Korean exporters, whereas Japanese exporters are imposed duties ranging from 4.99% to 7.51%. Australian exporters will be imposed a final duty rate of 29.37%.
Meantime, the DOC has also levied final countervailing duty rate ranging from final countervailing duty rate on Brazilian producers. South Korean POSCO and Daewoo International have been levied a CV duty of 57.04%, whereas CV duty of 3.89% has been imposed on all other producers from that country.
For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn
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