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China NPI Price to Advance, SMM Expects

iconSep 12, 2016 10:10
NPI price in China’s domestic market is expected to advance this week, Shanghai Metals Market foresees.

SHANGHAI, Sep. 12 (SMM) – NPI price in China’s domestic market is expected to advance this week, Shanghai Metals Market foresees. 

LME Nickel to Advance, SMM Expects

Prices for #300 stainless steel should rise during the September-October high-demand season for stainless steel. This, combined with the three-day Chinese Mid-Autumn holiday, will bolster high-grade NPI prices, SMM says, expecting prices to rise to 850-860 yuan per mtu. 

In the medium and low-grade NPI market, higher coke prices will lend a support to the prices, SMM adds. 

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China NPI output
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