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Vale Q4 Nickel Resources Output to Peak for 2015

iconNov 12, 2015 18:05
Vale’s output of nickel resources in the fourth quarter is expected to peak for the year, now that its maintenance planned for the year has been almost done

SHANGHAI, Nov. 12 (SMM) - Vale’s output of nickel resources in the fourth quarter is expected to peak for the year, now that its maintenance planned for the year has been almost done, according to Jennifer Maki, the company’s base metal director.

The company produced 71,600 tonnes (Ni content) of nickel resources in the third quarter this year, up 6.7% QoQ. Its output of nickel resources from Sudbury, Canada grew 56.8% QoQ in Q3, and from Indonesia and New Caledonia increased 47.9% and 52.1%, respectively, QoQ.

Vale’s nickel resources output in 2015 is expected to be slightly higher than planned. The company produced 275,000 mt (Ni content) of nickel resources in 2014, and sales reached 272,000 mt (Ni content), both hitting new highs since 2008.

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