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2016 SMM Summit: China Refined Zinc Output to Slide in 2016

iconNov 14, 2016 18:14
China’s refined zinc output will slide 70,000 tonnes this year compared to 2015 to about 5.46 million tonnes, SMM said at the 2016 SMM Summit.

SHANGHAI, Nov. 14 (SMM) - China’s refined zinc output will slide 70,000 tonnes this year compared to 2015 to about 5.46 million tonnes, SMM said at the 2016 SMM Summit.

After years of expansion, China’s refined zinc supply peaked at 5.53 million tonnes in 2015. The average operating rate at domestic zinc smelters was 80% in 2015. And the rate will be around 75% this year, SMM said. 

2016 SMM Summit: Zinc Consumption to Slow in China but Improve in Other Countries in 2017

2016 SMM Summit: LME Zinc to Average $2,200 per tonne in 2017

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