Home / Metal News / 2016 SMM Summit: LME Zinc to Average $2,200 per tonne in 2017

2016 SMM Summit: LME Zinc to Average $2,200 per tonne in 2017

iconNov 14, 2016 18:20
SMM predicts at the 2016 SMM Summit LME 3-month zinc will average $2,200 per tonne in 2017. Spot zinc prices in China will average 17,600 yuan per tonne.

SHANGHAI, Nov. 14 (SMM) - SMM predicts at the 2016 SMM Summit LME 3-month zinc will average $2,200 per tonne in 2017. Spot zinc prices in China will average 17,600 yuan per tonne.

Zinc prices will maintain upward momentum during late 2016 and early 2017, but will fall during Q2-Q3 2017 as supply and demand are expected to be balanced in 2018.

2016 SMM Summit: Zinc Consumption to Slow in China but Improve in Other Countries in 2017

Collections of Stories in Base Metal Market at SMM 2016 Annual Summit


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LME Zinc prices
SHFE zinc prices
zinc prices

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