NewsFlash / Lead / China Resources Recycling Group Takes Shape: Recycled Lead Industry's Prospects & Challenges
China Resources Recycling Group Takes Shape: Recycled Lead Industry's Prospects & Challenges
iconSep 24, 2024 15:12
[SMM Research: China Resources Recycling Group Is Being Established. What Are the Expectations of the Recycled Lead Industry?] SMM news on September 24: The National Development and Reform Commission held a thematic press conference on September 23 to introduce the overall progress and achievements of large-scale equipment upgrades and the policy of trading in old consumer goods for new ones. This thematic press conference attracted the attention of people in the recycling industry, especially as it was the first official disclosure at the government level regarding the progress of the establishment of China Resources Recycling Group... In addition, although the recycled lead industry has made remarkable achievements in terms of recycling systems and smelting technologies after years of development, there are still deficiencies in practice. For example, there is inadequate implementation of joint invoices and tax compliance during the recycling process of waste batteries, leading to issues such as cross-regional illegal transportation without joint invoices, tax evasion, and other irregularities; some...

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