Home / Metal News / The stable Q3 rare earth concentrate prices released by China Northern Rare Earth boosted the confidence of traders for future Pr-Nd prices

The stable Q3 rare earth concentrate prices released by China Northern Rare Earth boosted the confidence of traders for future Pr-Nd prices

iconJul 12, 2024 18:34
This week, Pr-Nd oxide prices saw a slight increase overall.

This week, Pr-Nd oxide prices saw a slight increase overall. During the week, the mainstream prices of Pr-Nd oxide rose from 360,000-361,000 yuan/mt last Thursday to 363,000-365,000 yuan/mt this Thursday, an increase of about 1% WoW. Pr-Nd alloy prices increased from 445,000-448,000 yuan/mt last Thursday to 448,000-450,000 yuan/mt this Thursday.

With the reduction in rare earth ore shipments and the stable Q3 rare earth concentrate prices released by China Northern Rare Earth, some traders became more confident in the future Pr-Nd prices. It is expected that Pr-Nd prices will continue to remain stable in the short term.

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