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Rare earth prices in May were weak, How will the market perform in the future? [SMM Analysis]

iconJun 6, 2024 16:32
The overall trend of rare earth prices in May was relatively weak. The price of Pr-Nd oxide fell by about 8.6% MoM, the price of dysprosium oxide fell by about 9% MoM, and the price of terbium oxide fell by a relatively narrow margin of about 4.2% MoM.

The overall trend of rare earth prices in May was relatively weak. The price of Pr-Nd oxide fell by about 8.6% MoM, the price of dysprosium oxide fell by about 9% MoM, and the price of terbium oxide fell by a relatively narrow margin of about 4.2% MoM.
Due to the implementation of environmental protection policies and the weakened support from large companies, the demand for rare earths was insufficient. The fluctuating market sentiment also caused rare earth prices to fall again after surges, making the oxide market unstable. Although the concentrated procurement by metal factories at the end of the month temporarily stabilized market sentiment with quotations and transaction rebounding, the market's wait-and-see sentiment continued to intensify.
Entering June, with the prices of China Northern Rare Earths being adjusted downward MoM, the prices of rare earth oxides also continued to fall. Most traders lacked confidence in the future market, and it is expected that the trend of rare earth prices will remain relatively weak.

Market forecast

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