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UK’s RKN Aluminium enters administration: Mapping the challenges and overall impact

iconMay 21, 2024 10:15
RKN Aluminium, an expert in aluminium cladding, doors, and windows, has entered administration, impacting its longstanding services and clientele.

RKN Aluminium, an expert in aluminium cladding, doors, and windows, has entered administration, impacting its longstanding services and clientele.

Established in 2006, RKN Aluminium specialised in designing, manufacturing, and fitting curtain walls, windows, and doors. Based in Melton Mowbray, the firm served hundreds of projects nationwide, collaborating with prominent contractors such as VolkerFitzpatrick, Glencar, and Ashe. The company recently relocated to purpose-built premises, employing around 30 staff.

RKN Aluminium notably partnered with Bowmer & Kirkland on the Government's DfE ESFA Framework, supporting the Modern Methods of Construction initiative. This collaboration facilitated numerous school construction projects, showcasing RKN’s expertise in educational infrastructure.

The family-owned business faced critical challenges when a crane hire specialist filed a winding-up petition. This action exacerbated financial strains, ultimately leading RKN Aluminium into administration. London insolvency practice Moorfields is currently managing the administration process.

RKN Aluminium’s journey from a renowned specialist to administration highlights the volatile nature of the construction sector. Despite the firm’s significant contributions, financial pressures enlarge the challenges businesses face in maintaining operations amidst economic fluctuations. If you wish to learn more about the international aluminium extrusion market, please have a look at AL Circle's special report, The World of Aluminium Extrusions.

Source: https://www.alcircle.com/news/uks-rkn-aluminium-enters-administration-mapping-the-challenges-and-overall-impact-110919

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