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Nickel sulphate prices held stable in the week ending April 25

iconApr 26, 2024 14:11
Nickel sulphate prices held stable before the lower end of the price range slightly increased in the week ending April 25.

Nickel sulphate prices held stable before the lower end of the price range slightly increased in the week ending April 25. Due to the delay in raw material arrivals and tight MHP supply, some nickel sulphate smelters reduced their workload. Therefore, the current overall supply of nickel sulphate is lower than expected. As precursor makers began to stock up before Labour Day amid stable orders, the demand for nickel sulphate improved. High nickel prices caused nickel sulphate smelters to suffer losses. However, with stronger support from fundamentals and costs, nickel sulphate prices may rise, but marginally due to rejection of higher prices by the downstream.

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