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The Peruvian government plans to allow mines to exceed production by up to 10%.

iconApr 4, 2024 01:04
The Peruvian government plans to allow mines to exceed production by up to 10%.

According to Mining.com, the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Peru has proposed a new regulation that would allow mining companies to increase their daily production by up to 10% without needing to apply for a new permit. Currently, exceeding production can only reach up to 5% of the authorized limit, and if mining companies surpass this limit, they would have to pay specified fees.

The proposal, submitted through Ministerial Resolution 125-2024-MINEM/DM, modifies Article 3 of Supreme Decree 030-2016-EM. The draft states, "Without the need to apply for a modification of the mining rights permit regulations, holders of mining rights can increase production by 10% based on the authorized daily production." The document mentions that global economic crises, slowing mine production, and production losses due to social conflicts have severely impacted mining activities. Increasing production by 10% is technically feasible and an opportunity to improve. However, the proposal does not address how to handle the issue of increased water consumption resulting from the production increase.

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