Home / Metal News / SMM blast furnace operating rate: Blast furnaces resumed production one after another, with operating rate increasing slightly

SMM blast furnace operating rate: Blast furnaces resumed production one after another, with operating rate increasing slightly

iconApr 3, 2024 16:54
The average operating rate of blast furnaces rose by 0.45 percentage point from a week ago to 90.05% as of Apr 3, SMM survey showed.

The average operating rate of blast furnaces rose by 0.45 percentage point from a week ago to 90.05% as of Apr 3, SMM survey showed. The average capacity utilisation rate stood at 91.17%, up 0.6 percentage point WoW. The daily average pig iron output of the steel mills in SMM’s survey sample stood at 2.1791 million mt, an increase of 14,500 mt from the previous week.

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