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[SMM coke oven capacity utilization rate] The coke oven capacity utilization rate fell slightly in the week

iconApr 3, 2024 16:17
The average capacity utilisation rate of coke oven stood at 65.01% in the week, down 1.3 percentage points on the week.

The average capacity utilisation rate of coke oven stood at 65.01% in the week, down 1.3 percentage points on the week. The average capacity utilisation rate stood at 63.3% in Shanxi, down 1.5 percentage points on the week. With the seventh round of coke prices reduction, the operating rate of coke oven dropped slightly again. In terms of costs, as coking coal prices stabilized in the week, after the seventh round of price cuts, the losses of coking companies expanded again, and the willingness of coking companies to produce further reduced.
Looking ahead, due to the recent sharp drop in steel prices again, steel mills are generally slow to resume production, and coke procurement is mainly based on demand, and coke demand will continue to be weak. At the same time, on the cost, the price of coking coal is relatively firm and has not fallen as much as that of coke. It is difficult for coke enterprises to improve their profits in the short term. Therefore, it is expected that the coke oven capacity utilization rate may further fall slightly next week.

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