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Robust US Stock Market Rally Next Year as Trillions of Dollars Are Waiting to Enter the Market, Bank of America Says

iconApr 28, 2023 22:54
 A latest report from Bank of America released on Monday showed that as corporate earnings were impressive, trillions of US dollars of idle money will be invested.

 A latest report from Bank of America released on Monday showed that as corporate earnings were impressive, trillions of US dollars of idle money will be invested, and the US stock market is expected to rebound strongly in 2024. The bank stressed that as long as credit conditions do not deteriorate further, corporate earnings growth should outpace economic growth next year. Bank of America strategists led by Savita Subramanian believe that the market's recent expectations of the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts and cost reductions by various companies indicate that the US stock market may be stronger in 2024. They also believe that the possible fiscal stimulus next year will shore up the US stock market.

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